Sunday, February 8, 2009

"Child Custody"

Divorce affects people in many ways, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Currently, according to divorce source, "The divorce rate is increasing at an outstanding rate and close to 50% of children are growing up in a single parent environment."

Children need their parents in order to develop as planned. If the bond between the parent and child is broken, negative consequences can be a result. Personally, having to "choose sides" is not the easiest thing. Your mother and father are the two most important people in your life. That's where child custody comes into play.

Basic child custody rights are as follows: "the court makes the final decision, thus assumes full responsibility in order to permanently safeguard the child against acute or chronic feelings of guilt; in most states the court will consider the child's wishes differently according to his or her age; in a situation involving more than one child, experts feel that it is usually best to keep all siblings together with respect to the custody arrangements; divorce splits the bond of husband and wife, and custody splits the bond of parenting."

The decision for the child to make between the two is one of the hardest decisions he or she will ever have to make. The parents need to make it easy on the child as their going through this difficult time. They don't need to be the subject or source of any argument, continuing care from each parent, and to continue to be treated like a piece of property. Parental superivison and/or care if needed at all times. They need to know they are still wanted and they aren't the reason for this divorce. Visitation rights are optional. It all depends on the age of the child. As for me, I choose not to go to my father's every other weekend. It was a mature choice of mine, as for I have gotten older and feel no need to choose.

According to Mary Ann Mason, "Child parent relationships are not likely to become simpler, they will only grow in variety and complexity as technology advances and marriage retreats from its role as the central child-raising instiution."

All photes are from


  1. Thank You. I'm so sorry to hear that. You know I think that all this technology puts more strain on a marriage and when couples should be trying to work things out the old fashioned way, many times they use the technology as a way to avoid their problems and sometimes to avoid each other. Not to say that's the case of your parents. You must be really strong watching your parents go through a divorce, good luck and stay strong.

  2. This was very interesting and the I believe the picture of the bride and groom on the cake was a good choice because thats what happens to the marriage.

  3. Thank you. Divorce is tough for anyone, no matter how is happens. Hopefully somewhere along the line, however things become easier.
