Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Ask Him Not Her"

Concerning divorce, we always think its the man hurting the woman. He's either running around with another woman or not giving her everything she wants or deserves. But, in this case it was the other way around.

A dentist worth $8 million dollars (not good enough?) gets thrown on him one day that their sex life is fulfilling and that she would like to start swinging with other couples. He told her what he believes in will not allow for him to act in such a way. She says. "Well, tell you what I am going to take a boyfriend and you will pay for the apartment and expenses..If you don't I will divorce you, take the kids, and your money." Of course, like anyone in their right mind he said no and she did exactly what she said she would do. The courts ordered him to split the assets 75%/25% and then ordered him to pay $10,000/month in alimony and $5,000 a month in child support, all other legal bills, and provide medical insurance for her and the kids plus give them the family home.

Losing his kids and wife was awful. Not only did his family suffer, but his business did as well. However, the courts said that he could afford to pay the money ordered, even though he was in bankruptcy and put him in jail when he couldn't. When he went to jail, his ex's boyfriend knew someone and they had him marked as a child abuser even though he wasn't. He found himself facing people in jail who wanted to kill him, thinking he was a child abuser when actually he was there for not paying alimony.

Women can be crazy. Their needs have to be fulfilled at all times. Don't be too slow to think they won't pull anything fast. Can life really be that bad? Is anyone really that selfish to take everything away from someone or something that invested so much time?

Margarett Atwood quotes,“A divorce is like an amputation: you survive it, but there is less of you!"

Images are from flikr.


  1. Wow, this crazy!! Many women take advantage of their husbands and use them for all the money they have. Thats a horrible quality in women and because of this many people get divorces.

  2. Yes, I know! Women can be very greedy. Hopefully he'll find happiness in someone else!

  3. Divorce is a really hard and unfortunate thing to have to deal with. I know people who have had to go through them and no one really wins in the end, even when they are amicable. I hate having to see people who at one time were so happy together have to deal with a divorce. When they are played out in the public, it is even worse, especially for children. That case in Hartford, Connecticut is an example where people on both sides are so horrible and it is played out in public, and I am amazed by how uncaring both people can be.

  4. Believe me it is very hard. Hopefully one day things will get back to normal.
