Sunday, April 5, 2009

"In It For The Long Haul"

Everyone knows divorce is a long, pricey, and drawn out situation. It could be years before anything is settled. Usually the couples have to come to some sort of agreement before making any final decisions. It's not always the easist thing, considering they are probably in this situation due to miscommunication or being stubborn. I can unfortunately agree with this due to the fact that my parents are going through a divorce right now. I wish it had been gone about in a different way, but such is life. I'm just glad they both can still sort of talk things out and split the maritial benefits.

For Madonna and Guy Richie, things are finally over and done with. These two got married in a Scottish castle in 2000 and now are waiting for the days to wind down so they can declare this divorce final. Madonna originally petitioned for this divorce to Guy Riches, "unreasonable behavior." Dave Itzkoff states, "The two are expected to share custody of their sons, Rocco, 8, and David Banda, 3. Madonna also has a daughter, Lourdes, 12, from a previous relationship."

Some may say that getting married was one of the happiest moments in their lives. Some also say that it is only good for so long. You can tell if a couple is happy just by simply looking at their facial expressions. I say this in a sense or to relate this to a picture I have found of Madonna and Guy. This is the result of a good marriage gone bad.

Images are from flikr.

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