Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Religion Comes Into Play"

Divorce is an overall major decision to be made. Who would have ever thought religious views would get in the way or affect the way your perceive divorce? If an individual feels that their faith or values will be "toyed" with, then this isn't exactly the situation they need to be in.

Mel Gibson takes religion very seriously. "If his epic film about Jesus weren't an indication, the church he built for Roman Catholic "traditionalists" like himself might be a giveaway." The real question is, how does this split from his wife Robyn affect his overall beliefs? Roger McCaffrey, founding publisher and former editor of The Latin Mass magazine and the publisher of Roman Catholic Books states, "He's a man who stoutly believes in the indissolubility of marriage, but now," McCaffrey tells PEOPLE, "this marriage problem is going to test his flexibility to the max."

He still will be practicing Catholic, and still receive communion. Therefore, by having a civil divorce he will not techniqually be living in grave sin. If Gibson decidied he wanted to remarry, he would file for an annulment like members of churches dealing with Roman Catholics. Throughout their marriage, Robyn Gibson took an active role in the church. In 2003, Mel Gibson states, "There is no salvation for those outside the Church. I believe it. Put it this way. My wife is a saint. She's a much better person than I am. Honestly."

Gibson is a man of his word. He truly believed that Robyn would be better off without. At least this was a more "successful" divorce, unlike others we have read about. Hopefully each seek happiness sooner or later. Religion plays a big role in a lot of people's lives and if a divorce if the answer to their prayers, then so be it!

Images are from flikr.

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